Monday Motivation
From Course Paper to Article
This post is the first in a series called “From Course Paper to Article,” where I explain how to transform your course paper into a manuscript ready to submit to a journal. This series will walk you through the process of selecting a topic, preparing for writing, making the most of the data you collect […]
Monday Motivation
Are You Keeping Secrets?
In academic writing, and all writing, the goal of the author is to keep the reader’s attention. Lose the reader at the beginning, and you lose the opportunity to share your analysis and insights. That’s why it is so important to begin your article with a hook, or an explanation of what your paper […]
Writing Collaboratively
Working with others is not a skill that everyone learns in grad school. For many students, writing is a solitary affair, with the dissertation being a sole-authored document and co-authorships being frowned upon in the early years as a junior faculty member. This of course varies by discipline and the type of research one […]