The Summer Check-In
We are about 5 weeks into the academic summer (apologies if you’re on the quarter/trimester system – you’re summer is just starting). I’m sure many of you started the summer relieved to be done, and excited to start on your writing projects. I’m a big fan of constantly revisiting the goals you set for […]
Monday Motivation
The Emotions Driving Your Procrastination
You are most certainly under pressure to send things out. You’re aware of your deadlines, you know the consequences of not completing your manuscript, yet you still find reasons to avoid the work. Why? Procrastination is rarely a simple case of laziness. Instead, there is most likely a range of emotions you are feeling […]
Monday Motivation
Is Productivity a Waste of Time?
I recently read a blog post on paper versus digital to-do lists. There were quite a few useful suggestions in the article itself and in the comments concerning the benefits of different paper planners, apps, and so forth. I for one love a good to-do list. There is one by my computer every day […]
Monday Motivation
Five Mistakes You’re Making in Your Intro – and How to Fix Them
Writing an introduction well is one of the most important skills an academic writer can have. Most academic readers have a limited amount of time to consume a wealth of information. In order to make it through vast amounts of literature, they skim. This matters to you as an academic writer because you must write […]
Monday Motivation
Is Writing Stressing You Out?
Do you feel excited about having time to write this summer, yet nervous that you won’t reach your goals? In my almost 2 years of working with clients as an editor, I’ve noticed one thing time and time again. Academic writers have great ideas; and when they have the opportunity to put those ideas to paper, […]