Get that Dissertation Done! 

Remember, a done dissertation is a good dissertation. Many graduate students are in the home stretch of dissertation writing, and you are probably exhausted. You’ve written one of the longest documents you have ever or will ever write, and while you can see the finish line you know there is so much more to do. […]

Monday Motivation

We’re starting a new series on the blog called “Monday Motivation” which will include quotes, short tips on writing and productivity, or anything else that might spark your motivation. After all, who needs something else long to read at the beginning of the week?   “When I sit down to write a book, I do […]

Make it Count: When Your Word Limit is Not Your Real Problem

In the first post in this series I discussed trimming words. The reasons I outlined were mainly aesthetic, detailing how to cut the length of a manuscript that is analytically sound, with strong substance. That type of trimming is still painful, but doesn’t really change the substance of your ideas or argument. Adding length can […]