Eliminate Distraction With Some Simple Tricks

Raise your hand if this has happened to you: You sit down at your desk to start writing and you have every intention to get a lot done. Unfortunately, there’s a pile of student papers on the desk. You begin to think about grading them, then you remember you have to make photocopies […]
Thinking Time Is Important Time

Many, many years ago I had a complicated surgery. Thankfully, my surgeon was a badass. He traveled the world giving lectures and worked at one of the most prestigious teaching hospitals in the country. In addition to pioneering surgical procedures, he mentored residents and published prolifically. Now, I’m not writing you to brag about […]
Effectively Manage Your Course Prep
I taught at a liberal arts college and prepped many courses. I spent hours on course prep. I’d review the reading, read supplementary material, develop handouts, and more. Sometimes this felt very rewarding, but sometimes it didn’t. Over time, I found that there was a very weak correlation between the amount of time I spent […]