End of Semester Mayhem: Here’s How to Finish Strong

We’re nearing the end of the semester, so you’re probably beating yourself up for what you didn’t get done. Could have, should have, would have. We often exercise a merciless hindsight, where we are incredibly hard on ourselves while conveniently forgetting the reasons why we didn’t finish writing that article or grade 15 papers in […]

Summer Writing Is Almost Over. You Should Celebrate.

When I was on the tenure-track, I spent the month of August frantically uploading articles to Blackboard, maneuvering to get better classroom assignments for the courses I taught, and trying to wrap up my summer writing projects. The writing goals I had set at the beginning of the summer now seemed like a list of […]

Writing When Times Are Tough

  Today’s blog post is taken from my newsletter. I rarely duplicate content, but I think this message bears repeating!  Most if not all of the readers of this blog are probably feeling despair, fear, anger, anguish, vulnerability, and who knows what else in the aftermath of a bitter election that exposed a deeply divided […]

Stress Is Not an Accomplishment 

  It seems that on many occasions, people use their stress as a bragging right. Rather than simply acknowledging their stress, they display it as something to be admired or even emulated. Stress seems to afford a certain type of status. Colleagues, mentors, and friends expect that we “ought” to be stressed. And I use […]

Is Writing Stressing You Out?  

Do you feel excited about having time to write this summer, yet nervous that you won’t reach your goals?  In my almost 2 years of working with clients as an editor, I’ve noticed one thing time and time again. Academic writers have great ideas; and when they have the opportunity to put those ideas to paper, […]