Getting Un-Stuck in Writing: Two Quick Tips 

Getting Un-Stuck in Writing: Two Quick Tips 

Getting Un-Stuck in Writing: Two Quick Tips 

Getting stuck in writing can hamper productivity and leave you feeling as if you are not accomplishing your writing goals. It’s hard to schedule creative thought, and the time you set aside for writing is not always the time when you have your best ideas. Being stuck, however, should not become an excuse to abandon your writing. Here are two suggestions for strategies to try when you feel like you are out of ideas.

Edit the last paragraph that you wrote: Approach your writing like an outsider. How do you critique it? What are the weaknesses and strengths? Once you identify a flaw, you might have an idea for how to correct it that can become the basis for more writing. If you identify a strong point in the writing, think about why the argument is particularly effective or persuasive, and write it out. This will give you the opportunity to elaborate on something important.

Give yourself fifteen minutes to free write or speak out loud about the idea that’s giving you trouble. Yes, I am giving you permission to talk to yourself! Think about your work in a less structured way, where you don’t have to worry about perfect prose. This will alleviate some of the anxiety of believing your writing has to be flawless the first time you put the idea to paper. Sometimes, we aren’t stuck because of a lack of ideas, but rather because our nerves are preventing us from expressing those ideas.

What strategies do you use when you’re stuck?  

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