What is Productivity Coaching?

What is Productivity Coaching?

What is Productivity Coaching?

Productivity coaching is a type of one-on-one work with writers to develop systems of accountability in writing. I work with you to set realistic writing goals and give you the tools to achieve those goals. When we work together, your writing will become routine rather than haphazard and inconsistent. Your writing sessions will be more rewarding because you will have a clearly structured plan, and you won’t feel the urge to procrastinate.

In my productivity coaching, I provide a combination of strategizing, research,  testing, refining, and moral support. My clients and I strategize to identify the best times for writing and how to be more efficient. Many of my suggestions are based on the existing literature, including research on scholarly writing, productivity, and faculty development. We then test strategies for writing more consistently and refine our approach when necessary. I also provide moral support. Many of my clients are already on the right track but need encouragement. Or, a client may need a space to speak confidentially about the stress they face at work. Sometimes, a person simply needs a push. How many times have you been in a situation where you wanted to do something, and you just needed someone to say to you, “do it!” A coach is that person.

Coaching works when you have a goal or a destination in mind. If that goal is vague, a good coach will work with you to sharpen it. Productivity coaching provides you with a map to reach your final destination and provides support during the journey. Your goal may be to write and submit three articles for tenure over the next twelve months, publish a book, or develop a steady writing practice that works even during the busiest of times. Coaching helps you to identify the steps you must take to achieve these goals.

In order to be productive, you have to examine more than just your writing patterns. Together, we will discuss everything that occurs during your day. After all, most of you are not full-time writers without other obligations. Your personal and professional commitments greatly influence the amount of time you can devote to writing.

We will carry out the bulk of our work via Skype meetings or phone calls. You’ll fill out worksheets where you track your writing alongside your other daily activities then reflect on your progress and performance of writing tasks. Using this information as data, I will identify the writing habits that are working well for you and eliminate that which is holding you back. We’ll also look at the obstacles presented in your daily schedule preventing you from writing.

What productivity coaching does not include:

Although I am also a developmental editor (the reason I started productivity coaching is because of the challenges my editing clients face), I don’t wear that hat as a productivity coach. We can discuss the content of your writing if you’re stuck, but generally we won’t be talking about the substance of your scholarship. Some clients do request a combination of editing and coaching – I am happy to accommodate!

If you think coaching is for you, please take a look at my package The Productivity Pipeline. Email me at jane@wordpress-1213135-4334682.cloudwaysapps.com if you have any questions.

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